Thursday, September 11, 2014


It’s the end of a long and exhausting day.  You say goodnight to your loved ones and slide your feet across the floor to your bed.  The soft pillow and mattress hug your tired body.  Your muscles finally relax, your mind stops racing, and you doze off.

 It might have been the vibrations of the thud caused by the doorknob slamming against the wall—somewhere—downstairs…Or was it the smashing sound and cracking wood, just seconds before that thud?  Something unnatural pierced your dreams and pulled you awake.  Maybe it was the sound, still continuing, of thundering drums spreading throughout your house.  You’re frozen, but instant courage surges through your body at the thought of your child.

 You spring from your bed and reach for the bedroom door.  The sudden explosion of force causes you to recoil, but not before the whipping door catches the back of your hand.  Pain.  Fear—someone is in front of you, several people, and you can’t see their faces.  Why? Everything is happening too fast.  Your mind tries to…they lurch at you with a black cloth aimed at your face.  Darkness!

 You awake on cold stone.  Your muscles hurt.  Where is this?  You spread your fingers wide and rub the floor until you hit a wall.  Your hands help construct a mental picture of the room, too short to stand straight and too narrow to stretch out.  You’re alone, but somebody put you there, the same somebody that has to be outside the room.


 No answer and no contact forces your mind to attempt  solving this problem…problem?  This is more than a problem!  You’re in this room and your loved ones…oh God!  What happened to them at the house?  Are they okay? 

“Somebody, ANSWER ME!  Where’s my family!”

 Still no contact.  Another day passes.  What did you do?  Your mind wanders to places you long forgot about.  Was it that dumb thing you did in high school that caused this?  Surely not.  What about that time in college, with that group?  No, one night couldn’t justify being locked away.  For the life of you, you can’t figure it out.

 Another day passes.  Still no contact.  You start remember all the wrong things you did in the past, even that time you pocketed that piece of candy.  You’re going crazy.  You hear your name echoing off the cold wet walls, but it’s in the voice of those left in the house.  Your mind can’t take this torture.  Your body can’t go another day without food.  All you need is…


You shoot up, smack your head on the low ceiling, crumple to the floor, and pull yourself to the door.  A rectangle of light appears and a set of eyes find you on the floor.  Contact!  Someone else is out there.  You’re not alone.  You start to speak, but a thousand questions bottleneck in your throat.  Before your mind untangles the words, they speak again.

“They’re going to put you to death.”

Shriek—Snap!  The light is gone.  They eyes of judgment vanished.  Put you to death?  Why?!  What did you do?

The next few hours feel like forever.  Your mind focuses on self preservation and justification.  You want answers!

But then you shift your thinking to your loved ones.  Are they okay?  Will they be fine when you’re gone?  You simply want to see them again.

Then you accept the sentencing.  You face your fears.  You know you’re going to die soon, and all you want is to see your loved ones one last time…one last hug…one last kiss.  You want to say goodbye.  The coming death now looks better than the confinement of this cell.

 The ground begins to shake.  That rectangle of light returns and spreads to the edges of the entrance.  Fresh air rushes into the cell and caresses your face.  The outside world has finally been given to you, but only for a moment as they are going to lead you to your death.  In the sudden brightness, you can only see the hand that is inches from your face.  You reach out and grab it to stand.

“Let me help you.”

You shake your head at the words.  Help?  Why would they want to help?  They haven’t answered any of your cries.  They haven’t spoken to you about your family.  They have offered you nothing this entire time.  Then it hits you.  This person is not with those who captured you.  A swift hope rises in your soul. 

The hand that helped you up touches your face.  It wipes away the tears you didn’t know you were crying.  The hand gently brings your face to his chest, and strong arms slide over your shoulders, across your back, and firmly squeeze you…safety.

In that moment, you become as before; you want answers and answers and answers.  But his voice shakes away the questions and brings stillness to your heart.

“I’m here to represent you.  The charges against you call for death.  You’ve come to realize that you’re guilty, but I’m here to take your place.”

You begin to cry harder.  Images of your family bombard your mind.  They will get to see you again.  You will experience freedom once more.  Your life isn’t over, and your death sentence is  being taken by…

“Why?” you ask.

“Because I love you.”

How could they love you?  They don’t even know you.  You don’t even know who he…

“Who are you?”

The single word sticks with you for the rest of your life.  You whisper it when you hear your child’s laughter, when your spouse kisses you, when that blessing comes at the right moment.  That word ignites every passion you feel and joins happiness to your soul every day.  That single word frees you from your sins that held you captive in that cell.

And every time you say it, you feel as free as when he rescued you…Jesus!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pieces of Dougan

Have you ever been comfortable in daily routines, but a piece of you longs for a life that seems unobtainable?  You like your job, your friends, and the little things that get you through the week, but a passion for something greater pulls at your heart.  You know you belong somewhere else…anywhere else.

If so, you’ll easily relate to Dougan, one of four main characters in “Pieces”.  Dougan is a truck driver who hauls lumber across North America.  He enjoys the open highways and conversations with friends on his CB radio.  But Dougan has a wife that needs him back home in Washington State…or is it his need to be with her?  When her health takes a turn for the worse, his adventures on the road end and compassion drives him back to his love.

Pieces by Donald Stidham available August 22nd on

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Most Important Person In History…Is You.

Some days, you feel tiny; everything you do has such a little effect on anything.  Other days, you get complimented on details you thought nobody would notice—a small thing becomes a huge gesture in another’s eyes.  Regardless of the day, the simple truth is that you are the most important person in the history of this world.  Why?

You may not have invented a vaccine or revolutionary device that changes the way a majority of people live, but at the same time, those inventors didn’t create the single most important thing for your life.  When you’re out of balance, those around you suffer.  When your “A” game is in the rearview, your loved ones don’t get the best of you.  When you’re depressed or sad, everyone has to change to get your attention.  So you are the center of the universe.

The truth is, Einstein or a government cannot and will never be able to create a way for your soul to enter Heaven.  Now, that brings your yesterdays and tomorrows into focus.  Jesus didn’t just die for your neighbor, but for you as well.  He wants a close relationship with you, because of the cost of that sacrifice.  Close your ears and eyes to all the noise and distractions around you.  Let your family and friends become a blur until all that remains is the oxygen in your lungs and complete silence to hear God’s voice…this is why you are the most important person ever; this is where you secure your soul’s future.

Once security is established, you will learn the a few truths that change everything about life as you know it.  “Love the Lord God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.”  When you seek to understand that statement, balance returns to your life, your loved ones benefit, and your eyes are opened for the first time.  The world becomes beautiful, and purpose has a new driving force.  You become worth something so much greater than every invention ever created.  You have a future and a place to call home.

And with new eyes, a refined heart, and clear vision, you will begin to understand that you are NOT the most important person in history, but Jesus is.  You can begin to view the world through His eyes.  You are already taken care of, but some people you know are not.  You can take your eyes off of the mirror and see why you have been placed in this specific time in history.  You can soar high, like an eagle, and become a change-maker.  You have a talent that brings joy to your life; use it for God’s glory.  Imagine every person you know walking into a dark room—you are that dark room—it’s time to flip the switch and turn the lights on.  The explosion of light will change their world.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rewind. Pause. Love.

Rewind—The Taliban’s declaration of holy war…Gulf War, Iran, Vietnam….  Rewind—Cuban Revolution, Korean War, WW II, Chinese Civil War, Irish War of Independence, WW I, Mexican Revolution….  Rewind—Comanche Campaign, American Civil War, Texas Indian Wars, War of 1812, Napoleonic Wars, French Revolution, American Revolutionary War, King George’s War… Rewind—Great Northern War, Spanish Conquest, War of the Roses, The Crusades, Chinese War, Roman Servile Wars, Greek Punic Wars….  Rewind all the starvation and deaths caused by political power (Stalin) or indecision.  Rewind to all the moments in human history where a single decision is about to affect a large number of fellow human beings.  Pause and Stop.

Erase greed, power, hatred, and all the other vile motives commonly referred to as Sin.  Insert Love.  What would have happened if love, inspiration, and kindness were in the hearts of those rising up and making a declaration for their people?  What if each person dropped their weapons and extended a hand of friendship?

History cannot be changed, but what if every single person made the decision to live life to its fullest, be content with what they had, were not jealous of what the next person accomplished, had an urgency to help the struggling because the struggling fell into a class of those actually trying…what if we put love in our hearts and suited up for the greatest battle in all of mankind—the battle against our own hearts.  What if we each trained to keep ourselves in check, keep negativity at bay, keep evil from rising within?  What if we reached out to others to help keep us in line, to prevent a single person from rising above love?  What if our goal was to preserve the collective love all of us established together?

Now, resume Play.  Would the world have been a different place?  Would it have been worth it to keep a single child from experiencing starvation, or a father from feeling the cold steel of a sword, or a mother from catching a live grenade, or a sister from coughing in a gas chamber, or a brother from being trampled, or a family from dying in a plague?

History cannot be changed, but tomorrow is yet written….

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pieces of Love

We give a piece of ourselves to others through love; our daughters, our sons, our wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, friends and acquaintances all take a piece of our hearts.  Through relationships, those pieces come back to us and complete a joy.  Never regret giving a piece of yourself away.  Don’t let that piece become tainted with hatred for a piece of your heart will always be a piece of love.  The more love you give away the more beautiful you become.  We’re all broken in one way or another, but together we’re a masterpiece.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

Golf: Every Sport In One Game?

I’ve come to learn that golf incorporates almost every sport known to man.  If you haven’t played the game, then you might argue that golfing is boring, lazy, and downright tormenting.  But you’d be surprised at the range of sports you’ll find…on the course.

1.    You hit the ball in the sand—Beach Polo.

2.    Your ball lands in a nest of fire ants—Hopscotch.

3.    The perfect drive hooks into a house—100 yard dash.

4.    Another golfer pockets your ball—Gladiators.

5.    A swarm of bees finds you interesting—Fencing (your 9 iron is truly a sword).

6.    Your pitching wedge floats the ball to within inches—Layup (Basketball).

7.    Fairway wood plus the tree in front of you—Backstroke (Swimming).

8.    200 yard drive plus 50 yard bounce off cart path—Homerun (Baseball).

9.    Perfect shot, but the stream catches your ball instead—Interception (Football).

10.   9 Iron loft hits an embankment and bounces back—Volleyball.

11.   Your ball lands amongst exposed tree roots—Kickball or Soccer.

12.   You chip a shot, only to realize a stick or pinecone was in front of your ball—Net (Tennis).

13.   Your teammate tosses a ball at you while you’re trying to drive—Handball.

14.   Your new Taylormade ball lands in the lake—Scuba Diving.

15.   Another golfer nearly hits you with their ball—Boxing.

16.   10 feet off the green, but you still think you can putt—Hockey.

17.   The perfect shot, a hole in one—Golf.

The list can surely go on, but one thing is for certain…golf is the most competitive sport played because your greatest opponent is yourself.  So, bring your swimming trunks, cleats, sunscreen, and tent because you’re going to experience everything from beachfront properties to camping in the woods.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Liquid Love

Your love tries to drain me, but I won’t let it be—I have my bottle of water.

The first time we met, under my arms were wet—thank you D.O. for working harder.

The first time we kissed, there was a mist on my lips, but it disappeared with passion.

When we said “I do”, my forehead resembled dew—tux sleeves are just big napkins.
Sweat on my chest; let’s not mention the rest—that first time we made love.

Streams down my cheeks, at our baby’s first squeak—experiencing my first “little hug”.

Water on my brow, learning how to plow—digging dirt to experience gardening.

No liquid in my brain, fighting this migraine—but smiling as you watch Tonya Harding.

My socks are soaking wet, I smell like a pet—mowing just to keep you at bay.

My eyes won’t stop pouring, this onion is roaring—for you, I replicate Bobby Flay.

My back is a lake, this shirt you can take—painting every room a different shade.

Now I’m ready to quit, there’s sweat in my knee pit—hiking a mountain for play.

Is this sweat in my hair?  Hey, I don’t care—about to toss you into the ocean.

My arms are completely covered, my muscles quiver—rubbing your back with lotion.

I’m forced to hydrate.  For you, my mate—because I try to rise above.

I may smell like a horse, but with no remorse—for you, I drip liquid love.